Community Residences, Inc. (CRI) is a Foster Care & Adoption agency contracted by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. We serve children who have been abused, neglected, and have experienced trauma; children who have behavioral and emotional needs above and beyond those of the “average” child.

Our foster parents help their foster or pre-adoptive children to learn appropriate behaviors, teach their children social skills and help them to catch up to their peers in school. Our parents receive ongoing support and training to help their foster children overcome the traumas in their lives and reach their full potential.

Foster Care & Permanency

Our Services

Become A Foster Parent

A Therapeutic Parent is a part of the foster child’s team of professionals; a number of people working together to help each child to succeed in life to the best of his or her own ability.

Therapeutic Foster Care programs care for children ages 6 and older in the DCF system. At this time, CRI is actively recruiting for families willing to foster/adopt children 11 and up. Although CRI does receive referrals for under the age of 11, it is a rarity, and there is a dire need in the State of CT for families willing to work with older children.

Fill up the form below if you are interested in becoming a foster parent:

Support Our Families

As an organization, we’re committed to the success of the families we serve. We are always looking for people who can help our families through a monetary donation or donation of products from our wishlist.